Reiki & Crystal Therpies | From £60.00

Aches & Pains or Stressed Out? De-stress in the most natural way possible via Reiki and help to put your body and life back into balance.

Reiki is nature’s way of helping the body to heal itself naturally and effectively and to balance itself out for the highest good. It is safe, quick and has been proven time and time again to have astounding results even where all else has failed. Fantastic for bad backs, aching joints & limbs, arthritis, boosting low self esteem, extreme relaxation, overcoming fears and phobias to mention a few.

Allow that all round sense of calmness and well being to enter your life today. The treatment can be done in isolation or combined with massage depending on individual circumstances. Psychic Healing can also be carried out if appropriate during treatments.

Deborah is a natural healer who has practised spiritual and Reiki healing for well over 20 years. She is a fully trained Reiki master and Teacher and can trace her direct lineage of healing to within 10 directly from Dr USui making the quality of her healing very powerful and undiluted.

Reiki can be added/ enhanced within any treatment upon request and distant healing freely given upon request.


Thermal Auricular Therapy (Hopi Ear Candles) | From £50.00

Hopi Ear candles are completely natural. The candles are hollow and consist of an organic linen interior which is coated with a wax exterior and filled with natural ingredients such as honey, beeswax, chamomile, St Johns Wart, Karva karva to mention a few. The candle is then carefully inserted in the ear and slowly burned. Ear candling is mostly used for its physical benefits such as healing ear, nose, throat, respiratory and sinus problems. It is also however an extremely effective relaxation treatment to and often gets referred to as the Indian Relaxation Ceremony.

Benefits of Thermal Auricular Candle Therapy:

  • Helps to aid & assist with excessive wax build up – can help to improve quality of hearing
  • Sharpen senses of smell, taste & colour & Perception
  • Help to relieve sinusitis, hay fever & catarrh pressure and pain
  • Assist with headaches and migraines
  • Assist lymphatic circulation and regulate pressure in the ear helping to ease pain and discomfort caused by persistent earaches and infections, titinus and ringing in the ears
  • Help with the common colds, flu, throat and chest infections
  • Provide help and assistance with asthma & bronchitis
  • Help and assist with insomnia
  • Help to reduce stress, tension and anxiety
  • Pen align charka – releasing blocked energies and helping to open spiritual centres and cleanse the auric bodies


Reflexology Therapy | From £65.00

Reflexology is a holistic therapy, which treats the whole person and not just the “dis ease”. A holistic therapy takes the comprehensive view of the client & recognises that the mind, body and spirit are all part of the living being. Any imbalance within these areas will affect the body and if imbalance continues illness and disease may be the result. By treating the whole person and not just the presenting symptoms the reflexologist can help to rebalance the body as a whole and allow the body’s natural healing powers to be activated.

Reflexologists believe that the body is divided into zones and that the energy of life force flows through these ones. Any imbalance in the zone will affect other parts of the body and by working on the feet (or hands) the imbalances can be manipulated and released and effective energies and balance can be retained.

Common conditions which Reflexology can help include:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Back Problems
  • Blood Pressure
  • Bowel Disorders
  • Constipation
  • Eczema
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Gynecological Disorders
  • Hay Fever
  • Insomnia
  • Knee Problems
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscle Tension
  • Neck Problems
  • PMS/Hormonal Problems
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Sinusitis
  • Stress Disorders
  • Thyroid Imbalance


Benefits of Reflexology:
Because Reflexology treats the entire body as a whole and not in isolation there are numerous benefits that the treatment endorses, including:

Stress Reduction – When we are stressed our body’s defences break down and we become more susceptible to illness and disease. Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep tranquil relaxation, helping the body balance itself and allowing healing energy to flow.

Improved Circulation – Blood needs to flow freely throughout the body carrying oxygen and nutrients to all the cells and removing the waste products of metabolism and other toxins. By reducing stress and tension, reflexology allows the cardiovascular vessels to conduct the flow of blood naturally and easily.

Stimulated Nerve Function – By stimulating more than 7,000 nerves in the feet, reflexology encourages the opening and clearing of neural pathways. It interrupts pain pathways, reducing pain.

Improved Immune System – Reflexology stimulates the lymphatic system thus reducing risk of infection. It cleanses the body of toxins and impurities and also stimulates the production of endorphins, leading to an improved immune system and sense of well-being.

Rejuvenation Treatment – Reflexology revitalises energy throughout the body by relaxing and opening up energy pathways.


Ready to book your next treatment?

Call us on 07429 958 343 or click HERE to send us an email.


HOURS (May Vary)


Tues - 1pm til 10pm

Wed - 9am til 10pm

Sun - 11am til 6pm


HOURS (May Vary)

Falkirk HMH Therapy Spa:

Thurs - 1pm til 9pm





07429 958 343